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Entrepreneur Summit Puts Faces and Applications on Technologies

On October 29th we have the privilege of interacting with the Founders and leaders of fourteen companies, with regional and national recognition for their use of technology.  These companies will showcase products and services that apply to business operations in our region. 

Featured technologies include:  Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Microfluidics, Microbiology, Voice Recognition, Optics, Multi-faceted Sensor Technologies, Robotics, Aerospace, Drone Technologies, Autonomous Operations, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Technologies, 5G.

These are the fields about which we read and which we know will change business-as-usual, but about which we may well wish we could have better understanding.  This is the opportunity to not only better understand, but to learn more about how we can leverage these technologies in our region for the growth of our economies – an opportunity not to be missed!

Meet the company founders, explore the technology applications in the morning on October 29th and discuss how to benefit as a region in the afternoon.  See:

Funding Resources for Starting and for Growing a Business

At 1:30 on Tuesday, October 29th during the Funding Resources Actionable Takeaway Roundtable, it will be possible to learn about funding resources from nine (9) different sources.  Some of these sources can be used together and some compliment six to seven of the sources about which founders are more aware:  Friends and Family, Banks, Credit Unions, Grants, Initiative Foundations, Reward Crowdfunding, Credit Cards and Online Loan Funding. The featured funding resources carry unique requirements; accordingly, being able to meet, in one setting, those who can explain the requirements to you, as a business owner, is a rare and enviable opportunity.

Learn about State & Federal Investor Crowdfunding, USDA Grants and Loans, MN Angel Tax Credit, Launch Minnesota Funding, DEED Business Development Funds, Utility Company targeted funding, Agricultural Research Assistance, City Financing, and SBIR/STTR.

Whether you are a growing company, a Founder starting your journey or analyzing launching, this breakout session will shed bright light on the ever-critical component of financing! 

Tuesday, October 29th at the U of M Crookston


With sincere appreciation we recognize MNwest Entrepreneur Summit Sponsors and Partners


The EDA Center – Bush Foundation – SBDC/Northwest MN Foundation

The University of Minnesota Crookston
